Friday, May 22, 2009

Back on Uncle Sam's plantation

Here is an eye-opening look at America's Welfare State from the inside from someone who escaped.

By Star Parker - Syndicated Columnist

Six years ago I wrote a book called Uncle Sam’s Plantation. I wrote the book to tell my own story of what I saw living inside the welfare state and my own transformation out of it. I said in that book that indeed there are two Americas - a poor America on socialism and a wealthy America on capitalism.

I talked about government programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS), Emergency Assistance to Needy Families with Children (EANF), Section 8 Housing, and Food Stamps. A vast sea of perhaps well-intentioned government programs, all initially set into motion in the 1960s that were going to lift the nation's poor out of poverty. A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from "How do I take care of myself?" to "What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?"

Instead of solving economic problems, government welfare socialism created monstrous moral and spiritual problems - the kind of problems that are inevitable when individuals turn responsibility for their lives over to others. The legacy of American socialism is our blighted inner cities, dysfunctional inner city schools, and broken black families. Through God’s grace, I found my way out. It was then that I understood what freedom meant and how great this country is.

I had the privilege of working on welfare reform in 1996, passed by a Republican Congress and signed 50 percent. I thought we were on the road to moving socialism out of our poor black communities and replacing it with wealth-producing American capitalism. But, incredibly, we are going in the opposite direction.

Instead of poor America on socialism becoming more like rich America on capitalism, rich America on capitalism is becoming like poor America on socialism. Uncle Sam has welcomed our banks onto the plantation and they have said, "Thank you, Suh." Now, instead of thinking about what creative things need to be done to serve customers, they are thinking about what they have to tell Massah in order to get their cash. There is some kind of irony that this is all happening under our first black president on the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Worse, socialism seems to be the element of our new young president. And maybe even more troubling, our corporate executives seem happy to move onto the plantation.

In an op-ed on the opinion page of the Washington Post, Mr. Obama is clear that the goal of his trillion dollar spending plan is much more than short term economic stimulus. "This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending - it's a strategy for America ’s long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, healthcare, and education." Perhaps more incredibly, Obama seems to think that government taking over an economy is a new idea. Or that massive growth in government can take place "with unprecedented transparency and accountability."

Yes, sir, we heard it from Jimmy Carter when he created the Department of Energy, the Synfuels Corporation, and the Department of Education. Or how about the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 - The War on Poverty - which President Johnson said "...does not merely expand old programs or improve what is already being done. It charts a new course. It strikes at the causes, not just the consequences of poverty.”

Trillions of dollars later, black poverty is the same. But black families are not, with triple the incidence of single-parent homes and out-of-wedlock births. It's not complicated. Americans can accept Barack Obama’s invitation to move onto the plantation. Or they can choose personal responsibility and freedom. Does anyone really need to think about what the choice should be?

Star Parker is an author and president of CURE, Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education ( She can be reached at

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tea Party Alert: Oppose Cap and Trade

Alert: Tell Congress You Oppose the $3,100 Per Family Cap-and-Trade Tax!
President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Henry Waxman are aggressively pressuring Democrats to support and pass the Cap-and-Trade bill. The bill is titled "American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009" or ACES. It is coming up for a vote in committee. It will be presented on the House floor for an up and down vote as early as tomorrow.
Passage of this bill will hurt every American and Devastate the Economy!

Time is of the essence, we must act NOW. We do not have the luxury of waiting another day. Congress plans to push ACES through by Friday. Stopping this bill will require everyone to call their Representatives along with all the others in the Country TODAY. We need to fax, call, send emails and tell everyone we know to do the same.
Go to for information on how to take action now.
This video explains Cap & Trade AKA Cost & Tax

Monday, May 18, 2009

Glenn Beck To Be At Harlingen Theater

Glenn Beck's Common Sense Tour LIVE

Glenn Beck is back on the big screen! NCM Fathom and Mercury Radio Arts present Glenn Beck's Common Sense Tour LIVE from the Midland Theatre in Kansas City to over 440 movie theaters nationwide. This One Night LIVE event takes place on Thursday, June 4th at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 6:00pm MT and 8:00pm PT (tape delay.)

Due to popular demand for Glenn Beck's theater events, an ENCORE screening will take place the following Thursday, June 11th. This show will be recorded live on June 4th and is being rebroadcast in select theaters on June 11th so you don't miss out on Glenn Beck's summer 2009 comedy tour.

Guess what, Valley... we can see this event at:
Cinemark 16

You can go to and get your tickets there. Let's pack the house!

Tea Party Warrior Website

Tea Party Patriots –

Since attending the Atlanta Tea Party on April 15th, I’ve been working on a website to promote the Tea Party Movement as a vehicle for a new era of conservative activism.

is now on the web, will be promoted through a series of short, colorful emails (similar to the one below) that I'll be sending at a rate of about three per week to nearly 5,000 Tea Party supporters in hopes that the emails will be forwarded far and wide.

John Eidson
This is a sample from the April 15th Tea Party:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Brownsville Tea Party

We finally have some pics from the Brownsville Tea Party on April 15th. Glad to have see you, Brownsville!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just AThought ...

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Join the NRA and Fight for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

In case you were not aware...

The NRA is giving FREE 1-yr memberships to everyone who wants to join. They also have benefits and several insurance memberships through the NRA.

They are trying to build up their membership to fight pending legislation that impacts our right to keep and bear arms.

It is very important that anti-gun congressmen see how many people they will have to fight to get their legislation through.

This can include spouses and children also. Pass the word to family and friends!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Contact Information for Washington, DC

Find contact information for our U.S. Senators, Congressmen and the White House at these links. Be sure to let them know your opinions on pending legislation. Let them know that they serve at the pleasure of the voters.


This is the declaration describing the context of this bill. Similar to that which just passed in Montana. Time is short here as the legislature will only be in session a few more weeks. Please, contact your representatives, Speaker Joe Strauss, Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst. We must protect our right to bear arms from the insanity of the Obama admin.

DECLARATION. The Legislature of the State of Texas declares that a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured in Texas, as described by Chapter 2003, Business & Commerce Code, as added by this Act, that remains within the borders of Texas:
(1) has not traveled in interstate commerce; and
(2) is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of the United States Congress to regulate interstate commerce.

Joe Strauss:
House Members:
Gov Perry:
Lt. Gov. Dewhurst:

Currently this bill is in calendars; we need it to be passed!

Please see this Glenn Beck video to understand how important states' rights are.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Form of Government is the United States?

This short video is well worth your time. You will learn more in 10 minutes than you could ever imagine. Please view it and pass it on to anyone you can.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb." - Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Texas Homestead Amendment

The blog post that concerned a May vote for the Texas Homestead Amendment was an old one that has been continuing to circulate via email. I called the Texas Secretary of State's office today and was told that the amendment was voted on May 12, 2007 and passed by 87%, so all is well with people age 65 and over that are home owners. Hurray!

A Logo for Independence Day

Hey, Tea Party leaders from Valley towns!
Let's get together for a logo contest for our July 4th Independence Day Tea Party. How about a contest for the best logo to unify us in the Rio Grande Valley? Send your logo ideas to

The McAllen Tea Party chapter wants to use a logo for having yard signs,magnetic signs for cars and other things to advertise our Independence Day Tea Party. Let's pool our ideas to help each other make this a really fantastic Tea Party for Independence Day, whether you have yours on July 4th or another day.

Please encourage your town to start a Tea Party chapter and send in your logos. Let us hear from you with your ideas and suggestions!Deadline is Friday, May 15th, at 5:00 pm, so get your creative juices going and let the Rio Grande Valley reap the rewards!

Monday, May 4, 2009

ACORN Is Here In The RGV!

Someone was watching the evening news tonight @ 10:00pm on KNVO channel 48 (Univision).
Apparently, ACORN is starting to make their move in Hidalgo County by fighting for forclosed home owners in the Mission area. This movement will, no doubt, spread, since a lot of people are losing their homes. I wonder who will be their "savior... Obama, don't ya think???

ACORN will have a "counseling" group (Foreclosure Fighters) on KNVO channel 48 from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm on wednesday 6th phone 687-4848.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Take Action!

President Obama is actively working with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to appease the radical environmentalists by imposing a "cap and trade" scheme to combat supposedly man-made climate change. But this effort to curb carbon-based emissions would not only be ineffective, it would cost all of us dearly every time we flip on a light switch or fill up our gas tank. TAKE ACTION!

As the President admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Well, at least he was being upfront about the costs, unlike former Vice President Al Gore, who refused to answer questions about the total costs of implementing a cap and trade program. But Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) rightly pointed out recently, "cap and trade is a tax, and it's a great big one." Estimates are that this national energy tax would cost the average American family $3900 per year!